Darlin's On Assignment
Darlin's On Assignment
The Meghans (MW138 and VegaTenshi) met up for the 100 Monkeys concert at the Bourbon Street Ballroom in Baltimore, MD on July 20, 2011. Chris asked us to do a write-up about it and hence, Darlin's On Assignment was born! Read on:
On July 20, 2011, I and my friend met up with VegaTenshi to see 100 Monkeys play at the Bourbon Street Ballroom in Baltimore, MD. When my friend and I first arrived, the place looked like a ghost town. We only saw three other people wandering about, so we figured it was safe to get something to eat and enjoy the air conditioning - it had to have been one of the hottest days of the summer so far. When we finished, we noticed more fans had showed up, but it wasn’t too bad, so we got in line and waited patiently.
I’ve always been a people watcher, so I found it fascinating to watch and listen to the really die-hard 100 Monkeys fans talk about what happened at previous shows (and after those shows). Most of the chatter had to be taken with a grain of salt, but I got quite a few giggles in the process. The fans were so animated and passionate that you couldn’t help but get sucked into their stories.
Eventually the VIP/meet & greet people went into the venue while the rest of us commoners continued to suffer in the heat a while longer. lol By that time, VegaTenshi and her husband arrived and joined me and my friend in line. It was really cool to finally meet her and even cooler that she convinced her husband to attend! LOL
I breathed a sigh of relief when the doors finally opened and we all entered the venue because it was nice to get out of the heat and get a drink! Everyone found spots near the stage and waited for the show to start. VegaTenshi and my friend managed to get right up against the stage while I stood behind them. I didn’t mind because I’m tall, so I could see everything clearly. Besides, at most, I was maybe a foot away from the sound monitors.
Finally the show started and we listened to the three opening acts: The Alckemists, The Kissing Club and The Bleeding Horse Express. I was blown away by The Alckemists, a four-piece band of teenagers. I was shocked they were so young because their talent was astounding. They did a cover a Black Keys song (another favorite band of mine) and I couldn’t believe my ears. If I’d closed my eyes, I would have been convinced that The Black Keys snuck in and gave an impromptu performance.
Once The Kissing Club and The Bleeding Horse Express finished their sets, it was FINALLY time for 100 Monkeys to play. I’d managed to move up so that I now stood next to VegaTenshi at the stage. I was internally squee-ing when the band walked out and I realized just how close I was.
100 Monkeys’ set was incredibly fun! They performed quite a few of my favorites from Grape as well as a few from Liquid Zoo. Everyone sang along to The Monkey Song and my jaw nearly hit the floor when I heard the first few notes of Keep Awake, one of my top favorites. I danced, I laughed, I sang….it was a good time! As usual, I was floored by how talented all of the guys were as they moved from instrument to instrument for each song.
And Mr. Rathbone….what can I say? He was lovely. *swoon*
Closing the show with Invisible Monsters, I think all of the ladies in the audience swooned as Uncle Larry sang about lost love and handed out red roses at the very end.
All in all I had a wonderful time at the show and was so happy to share it with VegaTenshi! I don’t think I’ve had quite so much fun at a 100 Monkeys show before and I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to see them once again. Even though Twilight was the vehicle that originally brought the band to my attention, I’m most definitely a fan. Their music is fun and catchy and I always leave their shows with a big smile on my face.
So, this whole saga started back in March when Abbymickey24 told me that 100 Monkeys was going to be in Jacksonville, FL (my hometown, and her current location). To say that I was jealous was a MASSIVE understatement, but then I thought ‘Wait… They CANNOT go to J-ville and NOT come to the DC area. It’s a law of physics or something.’ So… I checked the site, and sure enough, they were going to be in Baltimore on July 20—11 days before my 26th birthday.
Now, anyone who knows me knows that it is EXTREMELY difficult for hubs and I to get out and do things together because I’m a stay-at-home mom and he works nights and sleeps days—and his weekends are Mondays and Tuesdays. So when he woke up that day, I put on my best “I’m adorable” face and told him that I knew what I wanted for my birthday: To see 100 Monkeys when they came to Baltimore.
The concert was slated for a Wednesday, and (thankfully) hubs readily agreed to call in sick and take me to the concert, then called his baby sis in Baltimore to see if she’d be willing to babysit our daughter. That all taken care of, I bought two tickets and I’m pretty sure I did a weird booty-shake in the back parking lot when I collected the mail a few days later.
Fast-forward a few weeks and I pointed out on the Darlin’s forum that the band would be in Baltimore, asking if anyone wanted to meet up, since a few Darlin’s live close by and others have ties to the area. One Darlin’ happily agreed: MW138!
The week of the concert, I was beside myself trying to figure out everything from what to pack for the kiddo to spend time with her auntie to what I was going to wear (I’m such a spaz, I actually went out and bought a new top because NOTHING in my closet was good enough!).
I woke hubs up at noon on the 20th so he could start getting ready (because it’s literally like planning a fucking military invasion to get us out of the house on time). We live an hour and a half from Baltimore, so we got on the road around 2:30, sat in traffic (HORRIBLE traffic) and finally made it to Baltimore around 5. We dropped the kiddo off and blitzed down toward Bourbon Street, me texting MW the entire way.
By the time we got there, got parked, and got in line with MW and her friend, there was already some massive camaraderie going on with the people around us and we made a few new friends in the process. Hubs even bonded with one of the other seven guys (a new friend’s boyfriend) over the dramatically unbalanced ratio of men to women.
It was HOT outside. The doors were supposed to open at 6—not. The show was supposed to start at 7—ha. Thankfully, the company was awesome and we weren’t too put out when we were finally let in around 8.
Thanks to MW and her friend, we had the basic gist of what we needed to do to get a good spot, and so as soon as we were in the door, we were hauling ass to the stage and I managed to wriggle in right next to MW’s friend, right up against the stage.
The opening acts were OK. I couldn’t really understand the lyrics from the first band, The Alckemists, because they didn’t get a sound check, but the music sounded pretty good. By the time The Kissing Club took the stage, however, I was ready for 100 Monkeys, and I admit, I didn’t pay much attention to the other 2 openers.
Once 100 Monkeys took the stage, I was pretty sure I might have a heart attack. I enjoyed the band before I found out that Jackson Rathbone was in it (I heard an MP3 of “Ugly Girl” and fell in love… only to find out later that The Bone was in the band), so seeing him in person was pretty much the cherry on the cake… and everyone KNOWS how much I love me some Jax.
Now, hubs was hoping they’d play “The Monkey Song” because it’s the only song of theirs he was actually familiar with (our daughter loves to dance to it). Thankfully, they tape the set lists to the stage for the guys, and I managed to get a look (I’m wicked badass at reading upside-down) and told him it was on the list… he was relieved and relaxed a bit. I knew he wasn’t sure he’d enjoy the show and was only there for me (what a good hubs).
Now, here’s where I go all fan-girly. Not only did they play all my faves, like “Keep Awake”, “Wandering Minds”, “The Monkey Song”, etc., but I was dead center, right up against the stage, between two sound monitors… right in front of the lead microphone.
By then, MW, her friend, our new friends, and I were all dancing around and singing along with the band, snapping pictures whenever we could. Jax actually poked my camera at one point… I had an awesome shot lined up and he poked my camera and ruined it… but I can’t complain too much because he winked at me a few times… and eye-fucked me during the improve song “Belly Button”… I got it on video too, so yeah… can’t really complain about one ruined picture.
The grand finale was, of course, Uncle Larry singing “Invisible Monsters” and handing out roses… the first rose went to ME! (Insert fan-girl squee and flail here). After the show, a few of us managed to snag the set lists as Jerad Anderson tossed them into the crowd and then we piled into a line at the back of the club to get autographs.
I was definitely bummed that MW and her friend decided to head out, but then, they’d just seen the band a few days before and already had autographs, so I get it… but I’d had such a blast with them that I was sad to see them go.
So, I stood in line with hubs and waited my turn to meet the guys and have them sign my set list. I managed to actually have a conversation with Jerad, but (of course, because I’m a spaz) all I managed to say to Jackson was “Thank you” when he signed the set list. Of course, he gave me that panty-dropping grin and said “Thanks for coming”. The pervy part of my brain wanted to reply, “I haven’t yet, but I’m willing to give you another shot”… but I didn’t. I managed to keep my filter in place, and instead, I grinned and poked my tongue out a little… and then he imitated me and eye-fucked me again (yup. Double eye-fuck and the panty dropping grin plus the tongue… everyone knows I love his tongue).
Moving on to Ben Graupner, my nearly perfect set list was ripped when he went to sign it, so I got a hug from him (actually, I told him he owed me a hug, since he ripped the only perfect set list handed out… he happily obliged). Then Ben Johnson made a smart-ass remark about me being a tough negotiator and gave me a hug as well once he’d signed the list.
Meanwhile, I’d somehow lost hubs in the scuffle and stepped away and up the stairs to try and find him (mind you, he’s over 6ft tall, and I’m under 5ft). He was in line, a few people behind where I had been, having the guys sign something for me. Turns out, it was a 100 Monkeys messenger bag, which I’d been admiring, and he got the guys to actually sign it TO me, with Jerad writing “Meghan, You rock!”.
I nearly died. Truly. Red-faced, freshly eye-fucked by The Bone, rose, signed set list, and now signed messenger bag in hand. It was truly an amazing night, an amazing concert, and the best part was sharing it with hubs and MW138. It was so awesome to meet her in RL, away from the Darlin’s, and just be 100 Monkeys fans for an evening. We even agreed to get together when the band comes through next time!
Confidential to our readers, MW138 was at Comic Con last week and will be doing another DoA post soon about her experiences there!
August 8, 2011 at 9:22 PM
Hey Darlins - It sounds like you all had a wonderful time! Their shows are a blast and I have more fun everytime I attend one!
Can't wait to read about ComicCon, too!
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