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Friday Fic Review and Jackson/Jasper News

Hey everyone, what's the craic? This week I wanna tell you about an awesome new fic which has my complete and undivided attention. It has been quiet a while since I have been this excited about a WIP; or any fic for that matter so I'm here to tell you why right from the first chapter, this incredible fic has had me begging for more and spouting it's praises to anyone who will [or won't] listen *grins*

This weeks recc, without further ado is Ambigious Destiny by Sparagus.

Summary: Jasper, young and rising author, has his ideal world turned upside down by the brooding and antisocial Edward. Edward, a miserable artist, has a past of secrets and pain. Can Jasper break down his walls? Will he want to? Eventual J/E Slash. Rated M.

In chapter one we meet a multitude of characters. Straight away Sparagus draws you into their world and gives you the lay of the land. The fic is in Jasper's point of view, unless otherwise stated; which is immediatly a plus in my opinon; the fact that Sparagus writes an amazingly in-depth and down right sinful Jasper has me positivly giddy about it's potential...chapter two encourages this enthusiasm and does not dissapoint!

Firstly though, I want to tell you about Bella. 'But it's slash' I hear you cry. True, it will be JasperxEdward, however Bella is a central character. As Jasper's best friend, roommate and confidant we are going to see a lot of Bella...and boy does that work well. Their chemistry is amazing and the level of detail in their friendship is a joy to read. I think Bella and Jasper's friendship is going to feature heavily in this fic and I couldn't be happy about it, bestfriendsper is down right awesome!

So, if Bella isn't with Jasper, or Edward, who is she with?? Well, I will leave that for you to find out, but I will tell you this. It sets the scene to yet another original plot line Sparagus has chosen to take with Ambiguous Destiny. Right from the start we see an array of completly different plot line choices that is sure to set the scene for an entierly original fic -- something seriously lacking in the Fandom as of late, in my opinion.

Edward is the enigma of the story. He brings forth an intensity rarely seen in fic's and right from his arrival on Jasper's doorstep I was filled with intrigue, interest and an overwhelming intensity that blew me away. The way Sparagus describes Edward through Jasper's eyes is incriedible; every emotion, glance, and thought is captured. Also, I have no hesitation in saying Sparagus's Edward is always my favourite Edward, whether charming and romantic, or in this case, a down right asshat - Sparagus reminds me why I was brought in to this Fandom, complete with crooked smiles and emerald eyes.

Edward and Jasper's characters, as with everyone else in this cast, play heavily on canon but Sparagus twists the characterizations to bring forward a sense of originality. I am pleased to say that having had the privaldge of beta-reading the following chapter[s] and the level of intensity and detail between Jasper and Edward does not dissapate and I anticipate an intense and steady connection between Jasper and Edward to come to fruitation soon!

Please, please make sure you put this on your alearts...we are in for a grand old time and I want as many people to bump gums with as possible!!

P.S Ying, Intense, Intense, Intense, Intense, Intense, Intense, Intense, Intense, Intense, Intense, Intense; just wanted to make sure I got the WC in here *winks*

When I heard that Clurrabella wanted to review Ambiguous Destiny by sparagus this week, I immediately hopped on board, and I was not disappointed.

While there is only one chapter of this fic up so far I am already intrigued by it. I love the fact that Bella and Jasper are best friends and that they share such a close connection. We can tell from the beginning that Jasper isn’t really a relationship guy, a fact that Bella regularly tries to change. The night in which the first chapter takes place, she has, yet again, set him up with someone, this time her boyfriend Emmett’s brother Edward.

When Jasper first sees Edward, he’s struck by his beauty but a little put off by his attitude. And awkward dinner and an inappropriate outburst from Edward later, Jasper is completely uninterested. However we find out in a later conversation with Emmett that there are reasons behind Edward’s behavior, which I personally can’t wait to find out what they are. Emmett enlists Jaspers help in, well, practically saving Edward.

I’m really, really looking forward to more of this story, and if I know sparagus, she will not disappoint.

I also have some awesome pics to share from fellow Jasper fan, Kathy Hiester. These were taken at a recent gig at the Chameleon Club in Lancaster PA. Gah, Look at that smile! And how close she was!! *Jealous* Kathy emailed them to us (at Jaspers_Darlins@hotmail.com) for your pleasure; Thank you so much for sharing hon!

If you have any photo's or Jackson related stories, or experiences yourself to share; please email us!


Thank you SO much girls! I was shocked to find this in my inbox tonight :-) I may have had a really girly, squealy moment...I'm totally overwhelmed by your sweet recs. Thank you so much :-)

Love those photos of Jackson. Yum. :-)

Your very welcome hon :) I'm glad you liked!

Can't wait for the next chapter!!

Love Clurrabella

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