Fandom Happenings
Fandom Happenings
Morning peeps!!!! Lets see what we got going on today in the fandom!!
First off don't forget to nominate your favorites for the Everything's Bigger in Texas awards that the Darlins' are hosting. You have until the 22nd of this month so thats only 4 days!!! So go nom nom nom... *snickers* Seriously though go nominate your favorite!!
Okay, another worthy fandom event is the Fandom for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
If your an author and want to contribute you have until September 15th to get that submission in. Go look at their site to get more info on submissions. I don't see anywhere that says when the set of stories will be sent out or a deadline for donations but I have sent in a question about it and will let you all know as soon as I do. Its a worthy cause so please go donate!!!
That's all I have today!! Come check out what I find for you next week!! Drop me a line anytime and let me know if you want something featured!!!
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